
Showing posts from February, 2012

Keep Calm


waste your time for waiting someone?

"Why waste your time getting hurt by someone when there's someone else out there waiting to make you happy" *photo #viatumblr kebetulan lagi buka tumblr dan lagi nyari foto yg ada quotesnya. aku  nyari quotes yg temanya motivasi,  tp dapet quotes yg kayak gini. hati ku tersentuh #eh? hahahaaa. aku ke sindir banget sm nih quotes-_- wkwkk


"Jealous? Yes. But I realized I didn't deserve jealous, because I'm not yours and you're not mine .." -   @ MelatiValentina


"kalau kamu tidak suka padanya lebih baik jangan memberinya harapan.." - Devon (Morning Light) 

Invisible - Taylor Swift

She can't see the way your eyes Light up when you smile She'll never notice how you stop and stare whenever she walks by And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her But you are everything to me And I just wanna show you she don't even know you She's never gonna love you like I want to And you just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible Yeah, mmm There's a fire inside of you That can't help but shine through She's never gonna see the light No matter what you do And all I think about is how to make you think of me And everything that we could be And I just wanna show you she don't even know you She's never gonna love you like I want to And you just see right through me But if you only knew me We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible Like shadows in a faded light Oh, were invisible I just wanna look in your eyes And make you realize...


LOL but true. yeah. rata2 pasti ang abg(?) pd ngerasain kayak gini(?) kalo smsan atau pas ol dekeeet banget tapi pas ketemu say 'hi' aja  malu. kettemu? mending ngehindar. hahahhaaa untuk ke beberapa org saya seperti itu *buka kartu*-_-

w/ Someone I ♥


Macaroons Recipe :9

      Bahaan: 72gr putih telur (3 telur) 170gr gula putih bubuk 90gr kacang almond, dihaluskan 100ml krim susu 100gr coklat warna putih pewarna makanan Step-Step:  Siapkan 3 putih telur Kocok dengan mixer dan ambil level kecepatan tertinggi. hinga putih telurnya jadi kaku dan jadi krim (yang kalau disendoki gak meleleh/menetes kelebihannya) Opsional:  Bagi dua krim putih telurnya, seandainya mau pakai dua warna (usahakan pembagiannya tepat sama banyak, sama beratnya) Tambahkan ke masing-masing bagian krim dengan 85gr gula putih bubuk (85gr x 2 = 170gr) Setel mixer ke level kecepatan terendah Kocok masing-masing adonan hingga kelihatan licin mengkilat Tambahkan ke masing-masing adonan dengan seujung pisau pewarna makanan. kembali kocok rata dengan mixer. Tambahkan ke masing-masing bagian adonan dengan 45gr kacang almond yang ditumbuk halus sehalus gula putih bubuk. Kembali kocok rata dengan mixer k...