how to make a girl feel loved?
1.Make sure she knows you're loyal.
2.Hug her. Girls love hugs:3 apalagi kalo dari belakang gt aw
3.Hold her hand. like when you guys are walking next to each other grab her hand
4.DONT EVER lie to her unless its for a surprise or smth
5.Take cute pictures with her
6.Give her your jacket when she says she's cold
7.Touch her waist
8.Don't make her feel like she's a second choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:c
9.Kiss her unexpectedly(?)
10.Don't talk about your ex infront of her
11.Don't be a man-whore AHAH
12.Stand up for her!
13.Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you.
15.Jangan tb2 jadi asshole gt kalo didepan temen2 lo. like If you're with your friends, never ignore her and start talking with your friends or walk off with them as if she's not there.
17.Always remind her how much you love her.
18.Never be full of negative vibes omfg dont have the habit of complaining. Dont be a critical and pessimistic person. Girls hate this.
19.Compliment her! girls loove compliments AHAHA
20.Show her how proud you are to be with her in public.
21.Don’t compare her to other girlz.
22.Tell her jokes:3 funny boys are kyut
23.Give her gifts! gaperlu mahal yg penting meaningful
25.Say i love you
26.When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible
27.Dont ignore her.
28.DONT leave her tb2 without a reason and be with another girl the next day EHEM AHAHHAHAHAHAAHA gadeng :3
30.Love her for who she is yey
2.Hug her. Girls love hugs:3 apalagi kalo dari belakang gt aw
3.Hold her hand. like when you guys are walking next to each other grab her hand
4.DONT EVER lie to her unless its for a surprise or smth
5.Take cute pictures with her
6.Give her your jacket when she says she's cold
7.Touch her waist
8.Don't make her feel like she's a second choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:c
9.Kiss her unexpectedly(?)
10.Don't talk about your ex infront of her
11.Don't be a man-whore AHAH
12.Stand up for her!
13.Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you.
15.Jangan tb2 jadi asshole gt kalo didepan temen2 lo. like If you're with your friends, never ignore her and start talking with your friends or walk off with them as if she's not there.
17.Always remind her how much you love her.
18.Never be full of negative vibes omfg dont have the habit of complaining. Dont be a critical and pessimistic person. Girls hate this.
19.Compliment her! girls loove compliments AHAHA
20.Show her how proud you are to be with her in public.
21.Don’t compare her to other girlz.
22.Tell her jokes:3 funny boys are kyut
23.Give her gifts! gaperlu mahal yg penting meaningful
25.Say i love you
26.When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible
27.Dont ignore her.
28.DONT leave her tb2 without a reason and be with another girl the next day EHEM AHAHHAHAHAHAAHA gadeng :3
30.Love her for who she is yey
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